Monday, 24 March 2014

REVIEW: The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell

   Back with a bite: The Pretty Reckless drop their second full length, and what an album it is. New label, new tracks and music you can really sink your teeth into.

   Its been a while since Light Me Up, but The Pretty Reckless certainly have not been sitting around procrastinating for four years. The album with 'Follow Me Down', and sets the tone for the whole album. Momsen's vocals have retained their rawness which makes them so appealing - this sure isn't an autotuned, pop rock album. The main riff is certainly descended from the metal genre, complimented nicely by Momsen's voice, and this same vibe is continued into the album's title track. Accompanied by a ballsy bassline and lyrics that only belong in a metal song, this album will certainly have anyone hooked within the first two songs.

   Continuing the darker theme, in 'Heaven Knows' the band have included a children's choir. Yes, it does make you question what their teachers thought when they returned to school singing 'oh Lord, heaven knows we belong way down below', but that's an entirely different matter. The song is extremely catchy, and is definitely a good live song. To be honest, the entire album would be fantastic to see live. This sort of theme continues throughout, as the lyrics and music reach new places that show how the band are moving forwards and defining themselves within the rock/metal genre.

   Less instrument-heavy songs, such as 'Burn', show a different side to the band and really give Momsen's vocals chance to shine. Not only is her singing unique, but it's clear that it also excels within the context of 'normal' vocals. She clearly has a much wider range than previous TPR songs have let on, and it's a real treat to see the full extent of her talent throughout the album.

   Bottom line? If you want interesting, decent music with a real kick, and tempo changes in songs that for any other band would seem jarring but The Pretty Reckless work with ease, you should definitely invest in this album. The band have progressed majorly since Light Me Up and it really shows, and is certainly enough to keep any fan on their toes wanting more.

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