Admittedly, my old guitar strings have been on old Val since I bought her 2 years ago, mostly because I was so scared of changing them, but today I bit the proverbial bullet and it's wonderful!
After much google-ing, I settled on D'Addario EJ16 Phosphor Bronze strings. I use light gauge because Val's an electro-acoustic APX500, and they're much easier on my fingers. Many reviews say that the phosphor bronze lasts longer than standard bronze or steel strings, and with my phobia I sure hope they're right. The strings themselves are colour coded - which I'm sure isn't the case with all brands - so it was easy to change them. They look beautiful too: it's only once you have new strings that you realise how dull the old ones were getting.
Once I'd changed them, it was time for a sound test. If anything describes 'music to my ears' best, it's new strings. They sound very bright, and unplugged compliment the acoustic vibe perfectly. Until now, I hadn't realised just how sad my old strings sounded. The sound is far more rounded and she sounds every bit as new as when I first got her. I'd highly recommend these strings to anyone with an electro-acoustic, and they only cost £5.10 for a single set off amazon.
I don't play my instrument that often as it's a hobby for when I have the time, so although some people may be horrified at how long I left it to change my strings it really isn't too bad when compared to usage. The only thing I can say is I understand why musicians change them more frequently. Val sounds glorious!
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